MyBackOffice Delegates HCP & Associates to Create New Brand Identity

Tampa, FL (February 19, 2009) – MyBackOffice offers small businesses the same luxury “back Office” benefits that large corporations enjoy such as payroll services, workers compensation claims, and more. However, the company wants to expand the brand and services in order to attract new clients in the technology and international markets.

As an up and coming company, MBO engaged HCP & Associates for assistance in creating a unique brand identity. HCP is instituting a business development strategy that will focus on establishing new niche markets. They will reposition MyBackOffice as more than a supplier of unique benefits, but as a complete comprehensive consulting company for small businesses in and out of the United States. An online marketing campaign will also be utilized for brand equity on the internet, which will create further awareness.

To learn more about MyBackOffice and their Employer Service Companies (ESC) visit,

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