Zen on the Green

Client: Zen on the Green
Industry: Consumer Products


With a limited budget, Zen on the Green needed to develop a complete brand package, product development strategy, and execution plan.


Five years ago, D’Agostino opened Zen on the Green as he came to the realization that mastering your mind’s ability to focus and your body’s ability to perform and rise to the challenge with confidence are key teaching techniques he could use to help others perfect their golf games.

In early 2011, D’Agostino approached HCP with a great concept, but no brand. The HCP team worked with D’Agostino to develop a brand that embodied his vision. From their brand platform sprouted the Zen on the Green brand. HCP developed their logo, website, and collateral while building a brand presence within the marketplace through public relations.

With the brand established, D’Agostino was ready to take it to the next level. HCP planned, wrote scripts, directed, and filmed custom video applications for sale through various marketplaces, including iTunes and Amazon. Currently HCP is converting the online training videos into Mandarin Chinese for the Asia market space.