The Women’s Resource Center of Sarasota engages HCP & Associates for marketing consulting and the 2007 mixed media advertising campaign.

Sarasota, FL (January 8, 2007) The Women’s Resource Center of Sarasota County (WRCSC) is a 501(c) (3) not-for-profit organization that has been serving the women of the Sarasota community for over 25 years. HCP & Associates was brought in to assist with internal marketing objectives and tactics in order to increase brand awareness through traditional and interactive advertising mediums.

WRCSC help women create independent lifestyles by identifying problems, locating appropriate resources and creating a plan to aid in solving the problems. The WRCSC is a clearinghouse for life skills training, career planning and educational scholarships. We serve a very diverse population from women with Ph.D.s to women seeking G.E.D.s; from women worrying about their next paycheck to women looking for investment and retirement information. Their stories are varied. Some have recently been divorced and want to learn skills to help navigate their new circumstances. Others are seeking employment and career counseling and yet others simply need an ear to listen.

For more information on WRCSC, please visit their Web site at

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