Tampa Bay Rays 2020
Client: Tampa Bay Rays 2020
Industry: Advocacy/Community/Non-Profit
For over 10 years, The Tampa Bay Rays Baseball Team has discussed the possibility of either moving out of the state or finding a better location for a new ball park within the Tampa Bay region. The team, the Tampa Bay Community and business leaders needed to come together in support of the team staying in Central Florida so a brand and position was created, deployed and maintained for the entire community to embrace the movement in March of 2018.
TBR2020 is a non-profit organization created by Tampa Bay business leaders and volunteers to raise Tampa Bay Community awareness, build private equity and support the overall movement to “Keep the Rays in Tampa Bay.” HCP Associates was engaged by the non-profit, which was created by local business leaders from Shumaker Advisors, Sykes Enterprises and The Tampa Bay Rays. HCP created a detailed branding and positioning platform, a website (TampaBayRays2020.com), social media channels, custom videos, print collateral, promotional items, special events and all messaging for public and private presentations to be strategically disseminated to the public, state and local politicians and the media.